
Into The Clouds With Malindo Air

Hellllllloooooooooooooooooooooo Gorgeous!
Long time no see kak bibah oi! biasalah bulan-bulan raya ni kan..open house tak menang tangan orang kate...hopefully berat badan tak naik..jangan kata open house jer...wedding pun banyak juga...ramai kawan-kawan ak yang berlumba-lumba kahwin lepas raya ni...every week ade jer jemputan.

So, nak dijadikan cerita..hari tu ak ade wedding to attend kat Kepong. My parents malas nak ke KL katanya penat kalau travel weekend jer..so, despite i'm travelling alone, i bought flight ticket to Subang! Actually, nowadays a lot of people travels by plane..not say they are rich but if you are smart and take some effort to survey the ticket price, you can save a lot..take an example..kalau korang travel from JB to KL by car, your expenses would reach RM200++ (that includes 2 x fuel refills, 2 x toll charges) am i right? If you choose to take a flight, you can get

RM235 (FIREFLY return ticket with 7kg hand carry bag & 20 kg checked-in luggage)


RM185 (MAS return ticket with 7kg hand carry bag & 30 kg check-in luggage)


RM180 (MALINDO AIR) return ticket with 7kg hand carry bag + 20 kg check-in luggage)


RM178 (AIR ASIA return ticket with 7kg hand carry bag & without check-in luggage)

(Note: ticket prices shown above are offered by the airlines during my survey for my own travel period)

So, if you are me, which one you would choose? Kannn?? Ak pilih MALINDO AIR sbb ak nak turun kat subang...cume Malindo Air & Firefly yang turun kat subang sebab ak bermalam di Shah Alam..MAS & Air Asia kat Sepang...jauh sangat!

This time around i want to share with you guys, my experience flying with Malindo Air, Malaysia's first hybrid airline operated between Lion Air Group & NADI (National Aerospace & Defence Industries Sdn Bhd) Malaysia...Waaaaaaa (mulut ternganga, jari telunjuk tolak dagu ke atas!) Sounds amazing tak? hikhik..ok, actually Malindo ni promote better service with low cost...that's why they go for 'Not Just Low Cost' slogan! and i personally think they are!

Here's why i think so...
The Aircraft...not bad kan aircraft die..mcm firefly sikit-sikit...

Leather seat!
New 32 inches leather seat...cantik lagi..the leg space pon convenient and comfort to passengers..cume i thought semua aircraft die dah fit in entertainment tv tu..tapi this one tak pasang lagi...so sedeyyyy...tak dapat nak layan movie walaupun flight ak sejam jek tapi still boring..nasib baik ak bawa buku, the one my along gave me.. ;)

Entertainment TV belum pasang lagi! :(

Tingkap pun nampak cantik jek bau kedai..hehe!!

Emergency Exit
Ak duduk depan sekali, so dia ade brief on how to use the emergency exit...tetiba cam scarrryyy bila dia brief sebab dok imagine IF anything happen...huhu! Alhamdulillah safely landed..haha!

And here goes my snacks! Marble cake & Mineral water ;) So, overall i can say..not bad la cume they still new and to improve kan...i little comment from me cume flight attendants a.k.a peramugari die tak berape nak hospitality sgt...kurang senyuman, muka ketat, and forgot to give me my mineral water...nasib baik ak tak tercekik makan marble cake tu...erkkk! dah nak landing baru bagi pastu terkocoh2 pungut sampah ak...hadoyaii!!

Ok, that's all for this entry...last but not least, here's my wedding picture...opppsss! Our picture at my friend's wedding :)
Say Cheese....Gwiyomi!

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